Legal notice

As we want to speak to you clearly and offer you more solutions for your needs, we have taken another step in our relationship with you. We assume 10 commitments with which to continue providing you with a quality, fair and transparent service. 10 commitments as clear as the water of Madrid.
The care of our rivers begins in thewaste water treatment plants and continues in our laboratory in Majadahonda, where we analyze the water that we return to the rivers. Julio Rodrigo explains what the analysis of treated waste water consists of and why it is so important for the environment.
Legal information
1. General information
This website is held by Canal de Isabel II, S.A. (hereinafter, Canal de Isabel II) with National Tax Number A86488087 and registered address at Calle Santa Engracia, 125, 28003, Madrid. It is registered in the Companies Register of Madrid under Volume 29,733, Folio 86, Section 8, Sheet M-534929. 1st entry.
If you wish to contact Canal de Isabel II, you may do so by email at or by calling the free Customer service telephone at 900 365 365.
2. Site use
This web page is intended for legal entities or persons over 18 years of age. It shall be understood that the user of this web page is any person over the age of 18 who may access, browse, and/or use this web page in any capacity. Canal de Isabel II makes this web page, its content and services available to users free of charge.
The access, browsing, and/or use of this web page, implies the user’s acceptance of the present legal information, the privacy policy, the cookies policy, and the general or specific terms and conditions that may be established for certain content and/or services of this web page, or those services made available via the same. It is the user’s responsibility to read all of the information prior to using this web page, and, in any case, while browsing through any section of the web page. In the event that the user does not agree with the provisions of this legal information, the privacy policy or the cookie policy, or should the user be younger than 18 years of age, they must refrain from the use of this web page.
The content, and where applicable the services, specified on this web page are provided for informative purposes, and shall not be understood as part of the procurement process of water and other services that, in any case, shall be regulated by the general and specific terms and conditions of which users shall be properly notified. Furthermore, the content does not constitute, for any reason, a business proposal, license, application, advice or a contractual relationship between the user of this web page and Canal de Isabel II. The content of the web page does not exempt the user from monitoring the information on their own.
A username and password are required to access certain parts of the web page. This means that, prior to accessing certain parts of the web page the user must be registered in the Virtual Office of Canal de Isabell II. The user must change their password upon first access. Usernames, keys, identifiers and/or passwords are unique, personal and confidential. Any loss, misplacement, improper access and/or use of keys and/or passwords must be immediately reported to Canal de Isabel II to block the username and prevent improper access involving the user. The user shall be liable for any possible damages that may be incurred as a result of any of the aforementioned instances, specifically when the loss, misplacement, and/or possible access by a person other than the user was not reported to Canal de Isabel II. In any case, the use of a password that meets the following requirements is recommended: eight characters, upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, symbols, and that it is changed periodically (various times annually).
The user undertakes the lawful use of this web page, respecting the legislation in force, the ethics and public order, as previously stated in the present legal information and/or privacy policy and/or cookies policy and/or general and/or specific terms and conditions that may be established for certain content and/or services of this web page.
3. Modification and updating of the web page
Canal de Isabel II reserves the right to modify, update, and when applicable, supplement the present legal information, privacy policy, cookies policy, general and/or specific terms and conditions that may be established for certain content and/or services of this web page, as well as the information and content included in the same. The access and use of this web page by the user imply the acceptance of any changes that may have been made to the present legal information, privacy policy, cookies policy, general and/or specific terms and conditions that may be established for certain content and/or services of this web page, as well as the information and content included in the same. Therefore, it is recommended that users periodically review them in order to become familiar with the latest available versions and any changes that may have been made.
4. Suspension, interrumption or impossibility of access to the web page
Canal de Isabel II reserves the right to prevent, at any time and without prior notice, access to this web page to any user who does not comply with any of the indicated subsections be it in the legal information, or privacy policy, cookies policy, general and/or specific terms and conditions of the web page. Likewise, Canal de Isabel II may suspend, interrupt and/or terminate the access, browsing and/or use of this webpage at any time and without prior notice.
5. Liability
The user is liable for the access and use of this web page and the use made of information contained in the same. Canal de Isabel II shall not be liable for any consequences or damages that may be incurred by the access and/or use of the present web page, nor for any damages caused by a user or third party. Canal de Isabel II shall not be liable for any possible interruptions, operational errors or any other type of error of this web page and/or of the accuracy of the content of the same. Nor shall it be liable for possible damage caused to the user’s computer system (software and hardware), and/or the files and/or documents stored in the same, as a result of a virus and/or cyber-attack. Canal de Isabel II shall not be liable for poor operation of the browser or the use of versions that are not up to date of the same, nor for damages derived from information use or security failures on third party pages, or damages that may occur as an infraction of the laws, uses and/or conditions established by Canal de Isabel II, among others.
Canal de Isabel II shall not be liable for the illegitimate or improper use that third parties may carry out with materials, products, trademarks, information that, not being property of Canal de Isabel II, may appear on this web page.
Canal de Isabel II does not guarantee by way of example but not limited to: (i) the continuous access to the present web page or the content of the same and/or its updating, (ii) the absence of errors in said content, (iii) the absence of viruses or other harmful components on the web page or the server supplying it, (iv) the impregnability of the security measures to be taken.
6. Intellectual and industrial property and image rights
This web page, and all of its content are protected by Spanish legislation regarding intellectual and/or industrial property.
Canal de Isabell II is the holder and/or possesses the necessary licenses and/or authorisations for the commercial use of all of the necessary intellectual and industrial property rights that fall upon all of the content and features of this web page. The content and features of this web page include, but are not limited to the software, databases, scripts, images, photographs, videos, audios, texts, trademarks, logos, publications, reports, and any other work understood in terms of Article 10 of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 of April, by which the consolidated text of the Intellectual Property Act is adopted and/or regulated in the Law 17/2001, of 7 of December, of Trademarks and/or in the Law 24/2015, of 24 of July, of Patents.
Canal de Isabel II solely permits the visualisation of the content and features of the web page. The reproduction, communication, transformation and/or distribution of all or part of the content and/or features of this web page is prohibited without prior authorisation by Canal de Isabel II, or where applicable, the holder of the corresponding rights. Notwithstanding, special conditions may exist regarding the use of certain content and features of the web page, in which case it shall be regulated, in detail, in the corresponding section.
The contributions users may make to the web page such as comments, articles uploaded to the blog and/or web page, for example, implies the assignment of intellectual property rights held by the user relating thereto in favour of Canal de Isabel II, S.A. Said assignment shall be made exclusively, free of charge, for all the world territory and until the passage of the rights to the public domain, without economic consideration and with the power of transfer to third parties (exclusively or not), and will understand all the intellectual property rights that correspond to them, such as the reproduction right (total or partial, by any means and in any form, permanent or transitory), distribution (in any form including sale and rental), public communication (in any of its modalities, including the Making available to the public) and transformation (which shall include translation, adaptation, arrangement or any kind of transformation), for commercial use in all forms including, but not limited to, use on the Internet, publication on social networks, inclusion in informative material (printed or digital), as well as any other type of commercial use through the means of communication currently in use and available on the market.
The user guarantees to Canal de Isabel II that it holds through a valid title in law, all the intellectual property rights that exist on its contributions and commentaries and guarantees that it has acquired and possesses all the rights of industrial property and image rights that exist on the same, for their peaceful use by Canal de Isabel II.
In the event that the user, in their contributions and comments, uses images, audio, videos, and/or any material subject to intellectual property and/or industrial property rights belonging to a third party, or on which exist third party image rights, the user must previously acquire the corresponding rights and, when applicable, pay the economic consideration that may correspond, so that Canal de Isabel II may use indefinitely, in any way and/or format anywhere in the world, the images, audio, videos and/or material in question without having to pay any kind of economic consideration that a third party may claim.
Should the user provide a photograph and/or video in which the image or the user and/or a third party appears, the user authorises the use of said image and shall, when applicable, obtain any necessary authorisations for the commercial use and/or use such as the reproduction, communication and for the use of the image on the web page as well as for publication on social media, inclusion in informative materials (printed and digital) and/or in any other manner. The authorisation shall be granted to Canal de Isabel II free of charge, indefinitely, and with no territorial restrictions.
The user shall be liable for the peaceful exercise of the rights (their own or of a third party) provided to Canal de Isabel II and shall be liable for any claim that a third party may present to Canal de Isabel II for the violation of intellectual property rights, industrial property rights, and/or image property rights, compensating Canal de Isabel II for all damages that may be incurred on these grounds. The access, browsing, and/or use of this web page does not bear any waiver, transfer, license or full or partial assignment of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights in favour of the user.
Any use without prior authorisation shall be considered a breach of intellectual and/or industrial property rights.
7. Links or hyperlinks
Canal de Isabel II does not undertake any liability that may arise from the accuracy, operation and/or content of the links to other companies and/or entities and/or organisations’ web pages that may appear on this web page. They do not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the same that may produce alterations in the user’s computer system (hardware and software), documents and/or files, excluding any liability for damages of any sort consequently incurred by the user.
Users of this web page are prohibited from creating any type of text hyperlink directed to this web page from any other web page. Furthermore, the inclusion of this web page as a part of another web page by means of “frames” or any other similar technique which permits a secondary page of this website to open without first going through the home page is prohibited.
8. Data protection
The privacy policy that Canal de Isabel II makes available to users of this web page provides information regarding the conditions in which Canal de Isabel II may obtain and process personal data that the user provides though this web page, in accordance the personal data protection regulations. Therefore, the user should read the privacy policy prior to browsing this web page and, in any case, prior to including their data in any form or tool authorised to do so.
9. Applicable Law
All discrepancies, claims or disputes related to the present legal information shall be pursued in accordance with Spanish laws. In the event of a dispute, Canal de Isabel II and the user shall submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Madrid, Spain, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction.