Canal Extensia


Institutional, organisational and planning information

Canal Extensia was founded in Spain on 5 December 2001 as a limited company and is listed in the Commercial Register as a sole-shareholding company.

Its corporate purpose encompasses all activity developed in the field of the so-called integral water cycle: capture or production, conveyance, treatment, transport, elevation, storage, distribution, sewerage and sanitation, waste water treatment, reuse and discharge of water for public consumption and irrigation, as well as the transport and treatment of waste waters via the following specific activities:

- Restoration, installation, construction, start-up and control of all kinds of fluid installations.

- Management, or where applicable, indirect management of the methods regulated by the Administrative Law, of Public Services for supplying drinking water to urban centres, and for the conservation and cleaning of drainage and waste water treatment networks.

- Purifying water, lighting underground waters and capturing ground waters, after obtaining all the appropriate authorisation or administrative licences. If the company provides waste water treatment services, it may re-use these waters, after obtaining the administrative authorisations legally required. Likewise, it may transform the resulting slurry to obtain, sell and distribute organic products.

- Undertaking studies and projects, and executing hydraulic infrastructure works.  

- Commercialising machinery, vehicle appliances, facilities, water and fluids engineering and plumbing in general.

- Designing, constructing, installing and maintaining electric and electronic systems for automatic control, telecommunications, security and vigilance.

- Undertaking feasibility studies, project engineering, consultancy and technical assistance, project management, exploitation and maintenance of facilities required to manage and exploit the integral water cycle.

- Canal Extensia may develop its objective directly or indirectly, via the constitution of other companies or the ownership of holdings in the capital of other entities with identical or similar objectives.

- The Company’s main activity consists in managing holding companies as well as providing technical assistance services in the regions in which its dependent companies develop their activity. 

The companies participated directly or indirectly by Canal Extensia are: AAA Dominicana, Aguas de Samborondón Amagua, Amérika Tecnologías de la Información S.A.S., Canal Extensia América, Avanzadas Soluciones de Acueducto y Alcantarillado, AAA Ecuador Agacase, Gestus Gestión & Servicios, Soluciones Andinas del Agua, Emissao y Fontes da Serra. 

Economic and financial information

Public sector contracts

Information about the Company contracts can be consulted at the Public Procurement Website of the Community of Madrid.

Small amount contracts

For all information regarding Small Amount contracts awarded by Canal Extensia, please go to the Public Procurement Website of the Community of Madrid.


To consult the Community of Madrid budget report which contains information about the Canal Extensia budget click here.



Travel instructions, operationg fund and protocolary expenses


Through the ethics channel of Canal Extensia, anyone can raise questions and point out possible breaches of the principles and values ¿¿of our Code of Conduct, even anonymously. All inquiries will be processed with all the guarantees of confidentiality.

Contact our ethics channel

Annual accounts and auditors' report

Public call for employment

Information on ongoing selection processes (only in Spanish)


Titulado superior jurídico Canal Extensia (Ref: CEX00022023)

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Bases del proceso 

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Ficha de solicitud de participación

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