Government subsidies and AID
Nuestra misión es potenciar la transparencia, el buen gobierno y el compromiso con la sociedad.
Nuestra misión es potenciar la transparencia, el buen gobierno y el compromiso con la sociedad.
Government subsidies and AID
Click here to find information about the European Regional Development Funds fund awarded to Canal de Isabel II and those managed by Canal de Isabel II.
Training and employment
Through the State Foundation for Employment Training -State Entity that collaborates with the State Public Employment Service, Canal de Isabel II has received the following grants from 10/01/2020 to 12/31/2020:
* Bonus of 225 training actions for a total amount of € 252,548.43, all belonging to the 2020 financial year. In 2021, training actions have been subsidized for an amount of €344,647.65 and during the financial year of 2022 of €265,684.86
(*) Data as of 31/3/2023

The training carried out is considered demand training, to respond to the training needs of the company and its employees. Training actions are included with online, face-to-face, mixed and virtual classroom methodology, always carried out within the conditions set by the Foundation.
(*) Data as of 31/3/2023

Research, Development and Innovation
The following document contains information about the subsidies relating to R&D&I received by Canal de Isabel II