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EL AGUA DE MADRID Y MUCHO MÁS: CONOCE LOS SERVICIOS QUE OFRECE CANAL DE ISABEL II A SUS CLIENTES En este artículo repasamos algunos servicios de interés que quizá no conocías, porque aparte de suministrarte la mejor agua, también queremos ofrecerte la mejor experiencia posible en todas las facetas
LOS MEJORES CONSEJOS PARA AHORRAR AGUA EN TU HOGAR El agua es un recurso muy valioso y debemos usarlo con responsabilidad: en este artículo te proponemos varias recomendaciones con las que alcanzar un consumo más eficiente
ONLY TOILET PAPER CAN BE DISPOSED OF THROUGH THE WATER Contrary to what is stated on some containers, wipes are not disposable, so, once used, they must always be put in the wastepaper basket or the bin


In response to calls from local residents, Canal has embarked on a new initiative marked by the public opening of its spaces: the recently inaugurated Ríos Rosas Park will be joined by a new green space in Bravo Murillo Street and the major project for remodelling of the Tercer Depósito (Third Tank) Park

Canal de Isabel II will open more than 170,000 square meters of green and recreational spaces

In the shadow of the Santa Engracia water tower, the recently inaugurated Ríos Rosas Park
appears on the Chamberí landscape as a small island of green in a sea of brick. This is one of
the districts with the least green area per inhabitant in the capital, so the new park should
help makes up for this shortcoming. Above all, it is a sign of the openness and commitment
that, as a publicly owned company, we owe to society.

The Rios Rosas park is a triangular space of 2,500 m² with several trails, more than twenty
species of plants, numerous benches, double-height fountains and a small playground with
several accessible games. The gardens are open from 10 am to 8 pm from 16th October to
30th April, and from 9 am to 10 pm from 1st May to 15th October.

The Ríos Rosas Park will soon be joined by a new public space planned in the area adjacent to
Bravo Murillo Street. There be a park there, too, with an area of 3,800 m². This will be a linear
path between the current fence and the Segundo Depósito (Second Tank), like a walk with
small islands of plantings on either side. This will also have a children’s play area with swings,
and exercise equipment suitable for all ages. Work on the park is expected to begin in early
2019 and be completed in twelve months.


But these will not be the only initiatives in progress to prepare some of our land to open it to
the public: there is also the project to redesign and resurface the former golf course at the
Tercer Depósito park.

The new project, which will recover 48,000 m², arose as a result of a consultation process with
Chamberí neighbourhood associations, whose demands were taken into consideration when
finalising the design for this space alongside Avenida de Islas Filipinas.

The Tercer Depósito park will have more than 55,000 m² of green open spaces, increasing the
vegetation with 800 new trees and 100 shrubs. The sports areas will also be extended. In
addition to the existing football and paddle courts, others will be added for basketball,
volleyball and hockey. There will be a new physical activity area with an exercise circuit,
callisthenics area and pétanque courts. An additional, 6000 m² will be equipped around a large
field for leisure and cultural events. Altogether, the park will have an area of 116,000 m².

These three facilities, together with the Plaza Castilla park, bring the area
of Canal de Isabel II land opened up for the use and enjoyment of the people of Madrid to over 170,000 m². All these initiatives are part of our 2018-2030 Strategic Plan, specifically the objective for promoting transparency, good governance and commitment to society.


Nuevos parques del distrito de Chamberí

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