Users rate their satisfaction with the service provided by Canal de Isabel II at 8.64
Back Users rate their satisfaction with the service provided by Canal de Isabel II at 8.64
Users rate their satisfaction with the service provided by Canal de Isabel II at 8.64
According to data collected in the studies carried out by the public company during the first six months of 2020
- Valuation also rises to 8.72 among small and medium-sized companies and the self-employed people.
- They mainly appreciate supply continuity, the quality, taste and transparency of the water, and its pressure.
- The mark given to the company's overall image among its customers also improved from 7.96 to 8.09.
- Canal is the supply company that receives the highest rating, compared to gas, electricity or telephone companies.
Canal de Isabel II ended the first half of 2020 with a notable degree of satisfaction among its users, who gave the public company an average rating of 8.64, according to data for the first six months of the year. This figure is up from 8.53 at the end of 2019. Furthermore, this index is even higher among small businesses and the selfemployed, who rate Canal de Isabel II service at 8.72 compared to 8.51 in 2019.
Among the most highly rated attributes by users are supply continuity (9.22), water quality, taste and transparency (8.64), water pressure (8.54), excellence and safety in the service provided (8.24), commitment to sustainability and the environment (7.85), transparency and trust (7.70) and pride in having Canal de Isabel II as a water supplier (7.54).
On the other hand, the tariff is rated lower, valued by users at 7.1. However, users value the frequency and punctuality of the invoice very highly, as well as the clarity of the information on it. Lastly, the mark given to the company's image has also improved compared to the figure for the end of 2019, increasing from 7.96 to 8.09.
Specifically, to carry out this study, Canal interviewed more than 1,250 users via telephone, including individuals and companies, geographically distributed throughout the Autonomous Community of Madrid. In addition to being asked about the value of the service provided by Canal de Isabel II, customers also rate the water company compared to other to supply companies: thus, compared to 8.64 for Canal, electricity receives 7.69, gas 7.61 and telephone 7.13.
After redesigning the invoice, which Canal did in response to customer requests and opinions, its customers now feel that it is more visual, aesthetic and understandable, and that it is easier for them to understand the different items that are invoiced.
In addition to measuring the overall customer satisfaction, Canal de Isabel II also analyses the opinions and assessments of its customers after carrying out some type of commercial interaction, such as supply contracts or processing complaints, with the aim of identifying points for improvement both in its customer care and its activity in general.
Recognising customer and user needs and involving them in the design of processes and services is part of one of the Canal de Isabel II Strategic Plan 2018/2030 lines. This includes actions to improve the customer experience, install smart meters and improve the efficiency of business processes.
Canal de Isabel II was founded more than 165 years ago to supply water to the city of Madrid. Today, its more than 2,800 employees provide a service to over 6 million people in the region. It is an innovative, entirely public company, a leader in its sector, and internationally recognised for its management of the integrated water cycle.
It operates 13 reservoirs; 78 spring tappings; 14 drinking water treatment plants; 17,651 kilometres of conveyance and distribution channels; 131 pumping stations for drinking water and 133 for waste water; 15,317 kilometres of sewage networks; 65 storm tanks; 157 waste water treatment stations; and 651 kilometres of regenerated water channels.
As we want to speak to you clearly and offer you more solutions for your needs, we have taken another step in our relationship with you. We assume 10 commitments with which to continue providing you with a quality, fair and transparent service. 10 commitments as clear as the water of Madrid.
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