Línea ética


Canal de Isabel II has an internal information system called Ethics Line to promote compliance with the provisions of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the law and other internal rules by its directors, managers and employees.

Access to the Ethics Line is through the form available at the following link.

Register a new notification  

Check the status of the notification  


The Ethics Line is not the appropriate channel to present commercial complaints. For this purpose, Canal de Isabel II has a Customer Service Center where you can present these claims.

Through the Ethics Line, doubts may be raised and possible breaches of the principles and values of our Code of Ethics and Conduct may be reported, both anonymously and by name, being processed by the Ethics and Compliance Committee and guaranteeing confidentiality, under the terms regulated by the Regulations of the Ethics and Compliance Committee.


The Ethics Line shall be available, among others and under the terms regulated by the Code of Ethics and Conduct, to the members of the Board of Directors, executives and employees of Canal de Isabel II, as well as suppliers and contractors, those who have a relationship with the company, shareholders and holders of other securities issued by the Company.


The Ethics and Compliance Committee is responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of the internal reporting system, and for managing the communications or complaints received through the means established for such purpose.



What can I consult or report and what not?
flecha desplegable

Any doubt or behaviour contrary to Canal de Isabel II's Code of Ethics and Conduct, internal regulations or current legislation.

The Canal de Isabel II Ethics Line is not a channel to file complaints or claims of a commercial nature.

What is the procedure?
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At the end of the process of sending the notification, the informant will receive a complaint or query number and must choose a password. With these two elements, you will be able to access your personal inbox by clicking on "Consult notification", from where you will be able to consult the status of your notification.

Can I make an anonymous report?
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Yes. Both queries and complaints can be nominative or anonymous. In the event that the communication received is not anonymous, the identity of the informant will be kept confidential, and the necessary measures will be taken to guarantee the confidentiality and other rights of the informant.

What is the deadline for replying to the reporter?
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The maximum time limit for carrying out the investigation and responding to the informant may not exceed three months from receipt of the information or complaint or, if no acknowledgement of receipt has been sent to the informant, from the expiry of the seven calendar days term following receipt of the complaint.

In cases of particular complexity requiring an extension of the time limit, the Committee, at the proposal of the investigator, may extend it up to a maximum of three additional months.

How are consultations and complaints resolved?
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Through proposed resolutions issued by the Ethics and Compliance Committee.

How is confidentiality ensured?
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Persons who have access to queries and complaints are subject to the principle of confidentiality. In addition, access to such information is limited.

Can I use the Ethics Line to report emergencies?
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The Ethics Line is NOT a channel to report emergencies. Do not use this channel to report events that pose an imminent risk to life or property. Complaints submitted through this channel will not receive an immediate response.


Ethic and Conduct Code


Compliance policy


Risk Management Policy

Regulations of the Ethics and Compliance Committee

Regulations of the Ethics and Compliance Committee
