Thanks to its quality, its origin, its incalculable value and its flavour, Madrid's water is a source of pride for the people of Madrid. And on a day as special as today, we want to take the opportunity to highlight its value.

As we do every 22 March, we celebrate World Water Day, a date established by the United Nations to reflect on the importance of this resource in our lives. In Madrid, water is a source of pride and part of our identity, and we declare ourselves fans of it.

And, although today is its big day, we like to praise it every day of the year. That is why we have launched the #deMadridydelgrifo project, a website where we explain why our water is so good, what controls guarantee its quality and where to find the nearest public fountains to drink it.

Consuming tap water is a safe, economical gesture (for the price of a newspaper you get 1,000 litres of water!), and, above all, environmentally responsible: by consuming it, you avoid single-use plastics, and also the emissions linked to bottling, labelling and transporting water: more than 18,000 kilometres of networks bring it to your home with the best quality. At Canal de Isabel II, we have equipped ourselves with the best technologies to filter, disinfect and analyse your water: it does not need any more filters!

This website also includes the manifesto for fans of our water, the #deMadridydelgrifo manifesto, with the principles that unite all fans of our water.

1. We like Madrid water, and we are proud of it: we are fans of our water.

2.  We are committed to drinking tap water as a responsible gesture towards the environment and the surroundings.

3.  We are sure of the quality and control of the water we drink.

4.  We want to drink tap water easily everywhere, and we recognise the efforts of those who facilitate this gesture. In our fountains and, of course, in our bars and restaurants!

5.  To know is to value: we want to know where our water comes from, what its characteristics are and why it is so good.

In addition, within this project there is a space for hoteliers committed to the environment and, therefore, to the consumption of tap water: we call on them to join our initiative and form part of our map with establishments with the #deMadridydelgrifo seal. By law, it is compulsory that tap water is provided free of charge when you ask for it in any establishment in Spain, but our ambassadors go further.

When you visit one of these establishments, you will know that free jugs or dispensers with the best water are waiting for you there: they are establishments committed to sustainability, the environment and quality, which actively promote and facilitate the consumption of a liquid that is as careful and valuable as it is safe. Do you know any of them? Introduce them to our project and let us group together #deMadridydelgrifo water ambassadors!

World Water Day is the perfect occasion to appreciate our water, which not only has one of the best qualities and flavours but is also part of our Madrid pride. When you drink #deMadridydelgrifo water you are drinking soft, low-mineralised, low-sodium water. And, in short, you are drinking the water that represents all of us Madrileños: the world´s best.