Registry and documentation

registry and documentation

Registry of minor contract suppliers

This section contains all the information relating to the management of supply contracts to the value of less than €15,000 (minor contracts). The Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2000) in place at the company, requires us to «assess and select suppliers in accordance with the requirements established and to define criteria for selection, assessment and reassessment as necessary».

If your company is interested in becoming a supplier of this type for Canal de Isabel II, please send us all the necessary documentation in order to proceed with the «Approval of supplier». The first step towards registering on our database is to send us a brief questionnaire with the company details, provided this exceeds the 50 points required.

Canal de Isabel II may ask suppliers for documentation to support the information provided in the questionnaire.

The purpose of the approval is to reduce purchasing risks and maximise the value of the purchase.

If your company is already registered in RePro (Registry of Suppliers in the Water, Gas and Electricity Sector), it is only necessary to send us your registration number.

Information pdf

Information about RePro pdf

Approval of suppliers pdf


Mondays to Fridays, from 09:00 to 13:30 hours.

91 545 11 88  915 451 000 ext.2218 

The data provided by electronic mail will be used by Canal de Isabel II, S.A. to respond to the request and to be able to send you the relevant answer. To find out about the aspects relating to the processing of the data, and your corresponding rights, please read the privacy policy.